July members mailer pricing

July Members’ mailer pricing


Hi Everyone! 😊

Our July Mailer is printed and on its way to you all 😁😁

The Mailer will run from Monday 3rd July – Tuesday 25th July 2023


Pricing will go live on the website by Monday early morning in preparation, and most supplier mailer pricing is for the full month.


  • This is a 12-pager mailer with a theme that focuses on Cooking, School Holiday Baking, Home Cinema,  Heating, and keeping warm!
  • Again, this month it is brand focused and celebrates some of the new ranges that are arriving at this time – Haier Cooking, Haier Refrigeration and Dish care


Sponsored Feature Spaces:


  • Haier, We have a gift with purchase from Haier for all cooking items ( cooktops and Ovens ) to celebrate the new range in fashion colours from Haier. You will have received your wonderful cast iron casserole, perfect to go from the cooktop to the oven and works on all cooktops, Induction too. If you have not yet received this please reach out to Claire, and we will sort this for you. Terms and Conditions are a free casserole when a customer purchases a Haier Oven or Cooktop during July. You have tow already so the first two lucky customers will receive theirs when they make their purchase. once you have gifted your items away, please contact Claire with detail of any further sales and we will organise for these to be delivered at that time. Please call Claire or I if any questions.


  • Fisher & Paykel Laundry: F&P have started their perfect paring again with the new stock that has arrived for Washers and dryers and have bought some feature spaced in the mailer. There have been a few emails with details on this promo, and details will be on the member’s site.  If you are unsure on the detail, please reach out.


  • Panasonic: Panasonic have full back page on Aircon, and featuring the Nano X benefits their heat pumps have.  


  • Miele: Have a small feature space for their stick vacuum, range.


Please get behind these suppliers that have purchased some space in this mailer.


There are some great prices here, and there are some great prices not being repeated for next month for the current promotion, so please ensure you check and purchase at the best time.


  • EHP please note you require a pricing ID of   Price ID# 21370 for this month.
  • F&P/Haier Pricelist just received, will be checked and on the Appnet website tomorrow.


Here is the link for the pdf of the final July mailer.




Also, some great news,  Nisha has joined the team to replace Hannah who has headed down to Wellington to study.

Nisha is busy learning t role, and I know you will all enjoy working with her, and you will start to hear from her shortly!


Have a great week 😊